Affiliate Terms & Conditions

Affiliate Program Terms

Thank you for your interest in our Affiliate Program (the “Affiliate Program”). These Affiliate Program Terms (the “Affiliate Terms”) create a binding agreement between you and Genie Rocket Inc. (“Genie Rocket”, “us”, “our”, or “we”). By participating in our Affiliate Program, you agree to these Affiliate Terms. Additionally, in doing so you further agree to Genie Rocket’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, which is hereby incorporated through reference as if fully set forth herein. To the extent any capitalized terms used in these Affiliate Terms are not defined herein, such terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Privacy Policy.

Rules of Participation in Affiliate Program

In order to participate in the Affiliate Program, you must be 18 years or older, and you must adhere to all applicable rules and regulations (including, without limitation, FTC guidelines) when promoting our products and services, at all times. Additionally, you must follow these rules when approved for this Affiliate Program, at all times, and the failure to do so may result in you being terminated from the Affiliate Program and the forfeiture of any outstanding Commissions. In the event that any communication you transmit in the course of a Promotion is deemed inappropriate by Genie Rocket, which shall be determined in Genie Rocket’s sole discretion, Genie Rocket reserves the right to suspend, block, or otherwise terminate your access to participating in the Genie Rocket Affiliate Program.

The following communications include, but are not limited to, those which may be deemed to be inappropriate by Genie Rocket:

communications that discriminate, or encourage discrimination, on any grounds, including without limitation race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or disability;

communications which contain sexually explicit or violent material, or which encourage violent or abusive conduct;

communications that contain defamatory conduct, or which violate a third party’s intellectual property rights or otherwise damage Genie Rocket or any other third party;

communications which constitute unsolicited contact with prospective customers (including, without limitation, any communication that violates the Do-Not-Call Implementation Act of 2003 or the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (“CANSPAM”) Act of 2003; or

communications that are unlawful or which encourage unlawful conduct.

Affiliate Referrals

In the event that you refer an individual (a “Potential Purchaser”) to Genie Rocket, and the Potential Purchaser ultimately makes an Eligible Purchase (as defined below) from Genie Rocket (making them a “Customer”), you will receive an affiliate referral as detailed below, exclusive of taxes and fees (the “Commission”).

For the purposes of this Agreement, an “Eligible Purchase” shall include any direct purchase made on Genie Rocket, by a customer who has accessed the Genie Rocket platform through clicking on a unique link provided to you, by Genie Rocket (as defined below).

Any revenue generated by Genie Rocket from an Eligible Purchase which has originated from a referral you have directed to Genie Rocket, shall result in the payment of a Commission to you in an amount equal to 20% of the revenue generated, for so long as the referred customer remains active without interruption.

You will only receive a Commission for Potential Purchasers whose Eligible Purchase is made using the unique link provided to you by Genie Rocket (the “Unique Link”).

The Commissions will be paid on a rolling basis each month for the revenue generated which has resulted from Eligible Purchases which took place during the previous calendar month. On the 1st and 15th per month (excluding weekends and holidays), you will receive a PayPal transfer for the Commission earned, less any taxes which Genie Rocket may be required by law to withhold from the final payment to you (if applicable). In the event that a referred customer receives a refund or disputes a charge which generated a Commission, you will see a deduction for the such corresponding Commission from any payment received the following month; in the event that there is no subsequent payment due to you for that following month, you will receive an invoice for said Commission which shall be payable within sixty (60) days of your receipt of the invoice. Any and all determinations of what constitutes an Eligible Purchase and whether or not a Commission is payable, shall be made by Genie Rocket, and will be final and binding.

Any Commissions which shall become due by Genie Rocket will be made through PayPal and/or in US Dollars. As such, it is your sole responsibility to ensure proper setup and sufficient access to a PayPal account in order to receive any Commissions which may become due and owing to you. You hereby acknowledge and agree that you will comply with any and all applicable laws and regulations with respect to your use of your PayPal account in order to receive said Commissions, and you hereby agree that you shall refrain from participating in the Genie Rocket Affiliate Program in the event that you are located in a country or jurisdiction where such use of the PayPal app is banned or otherwise prohibited. You acknowledge and agree that Genie Rocket will require certain information (such as, for example, your bank account number or PayPal ID) in order to process your Commission payment. You further acknowledge and agree that Genie Rocket may require you to complete a Form W-9 and provide additional tax information before processing a Commission payment. You hereby consent and agree to comply with any and all applicable tax laws governing any payments contemplated hereunder, and you hereby acknowledge, understand, and agree that it is your sole responsibility to file and pay any taxes or fees which may come due and owing as a result of receipt of such Commissions from Genie Rocket.

You shall only be eligible to earn Commissions resulting from Eligible Purchases occurring during the term, and any Commissions earned after the date of the termination of this Agreement, will remain payable to you only in the event that such Eligible Purchases are not cancelled, charged back, or otherwise returned by the referred customer. In the event that any overpayment in Commissions is made by us, you hereby agree to promptly remit such excess payment upon notification by us. We may withhold your final payment for a reasonable time to ensure that the correct amount is paid.

We reserve the right to postpone the date of a payout for an individual affiliate, to the next scheduled payout, if the affiliate doesn't have future commissions that provide enough balance to cover adjustments to commissions due to unforeseen circumstances (ex. an extraordinary refund).

You shall not be entitled to a Commission for any purchase that you make yourself, and Genie Rocket reserves the right to review any fraudulent transactions and revise the final payouts to you as deemed appropriate.

Restricted Use of Links and License

The Unique Links provided serve to identify your website as a member of our Affiliate Program and will establish a link from a website to the Genie Rocket platform. All Unique Links that you will be permitted to use will be provided to you directly from Genie Rocket or by other means selected by us. You hereby agree that you will display on your website or advertisements containing the Unique Links only such logos, trade names, trademarks, graphic images and similar identifying material (“Licensed Materials”) that have been provided to you by Genie Rocket.

In participating in our Affiliate Program, we will thereby grant you a limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable right to access our website through the Unique Links solely in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and solely in connection with the Licensed Materials, only as provided to you by us, through the Genie Rocket platform, or by other means selected by us, and solely for the purpose of identifying your website as an affiliate program participant and to assist in generating Commissions.

You hereby acknowledge and agree that this Agreement does not provide you with any intellectual property rights in the Licensed Materials other than the limited rights specified herein. We reserve all of our rights in the Licensed Materials and in all of our other proprietary and intellectual property rights. You may not sublicense, assign or transfer any such licenses for the use of the Licensed Materials, and any attempt to sublicense, assign or transfer such Licensed Materials shall be void. We may terminate your license to use the Licensed Materials for any reason, at any time in our sole and absolute discretion. We may revoke your license at any time without any provision of notice.

Genie Rocket protects its trademarks and does not allow any trademark bidding on any search engine or Paid Placement service or site. This includes, but is not limited to Google, Yahoo, Bing!, Ask and other similar services. Affiliates may not bid on the word “Genie Rocket” or any misspelling, variation or combination thereof. Any Affiliates found to be in violation of the foregoing may be banned from the Affiliate Program without prior notice.

Restricted Keyword List (but not limited to):

Genie Rocket

About Genie Rocket

Genie Rocket Pricing

Genie Rocket Trial

No Joint-Venture or Other Relationship

Nothing in these Affiliate Terms shall be deemed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency relationship, or employment relationship between you and Genie Rocket. You acknowledge and agree that you are fully and solely responsible for any and all federal, state, local, and/or foreign income taxes and self-employment taxes, and any and all other federal, state, and local licensees, fees or taxes, or sales tax, including withholding taxes, social security taxes, and public liability and workers’ compensation insurance, required as a result of your participation in the Promotion. Under no circumstances will Genie Rocket be held liable for any actions or results of the Affiliate.

Banned/Prohibited Conduct

As an Affiliate of Genie Rocket, you are explicitly prohibited from partaking in any of the following conduct, and shall never be permitted to:

Employ, use, or receive any direct or indirect benefit from, any “cookie stuffing” methods (e.g., use of “cookie stuffing” or “cookie dropping” to cause Genie Rocket systems to conclude that a user has clicked through a Unique Link - and to pay commissions accordingly - even if the user has not actually clicked through any such link).

Install spyware on another person's computer; cause spyware to be installed on another person's computer, or use a context-based triggering mechanism to display an advertisement that partially or wholly covers or obscures paid advertising other content on a website in a way that interferes with a person's ability to view that website.

Display any material on a website containing a Unique Link which contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancel bots or other similar harmful or deleterious programming routines.

Attempt to modify or alter the Genie Rocket platform or any related website in any way.

Make any representations, either express or implied, or create an appearance that a visitor to your website is visiting our website, e.g., “framing” or “wrapping” the website in any manner without first obtaining in advance our express written permission. Such requests must be made in writing and sent to brands.

“Scrape” or “spider” the website or any other related websites for content (such as images, logos or text).

Offer (i) any incentives in the form of, described as, or resulting in, discounting of any products or services of Genie Rocket; or (ii) any other incentives in the form of rebates, deposits, cash-back or other types of monetary incentives relating to the products or services of Genie Rocket. Such incentives are strictly prohibited and are grounds for immediate termination and forfeiture of any earned commissions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Affiliates may offer bonuses, “bundles” or discounts on products or services ordinarily offered by Affiliates as incentives to purchasers of Genie Rocket's products and services. For example, an Affiliate may offer discounts on Affiliate's training programs in connection with the promotion of Genie Rocket’s products and services.

Unless explicitly authorized in writing, use your affiliate link or any of the Genie Rocket domains and/or URLs (including, but not limited to www.Genie as the display domain or URL in the advertisement. When engaging in paid search engine campaigns, Affiliates must use their own domain and/or URL in their ads.

Send Spam of any kind. Sending fake traffic though platforms like Traffic Monsoon, Ad Fly, any of these types of “cheap traffic sources” are considered spam traffic and you will be banned from being an affiliate with Genie Rocket.

Use negative words such as “scam” in any promotional campaign.

Misrepresent the product/offer or add any false information about competing products. You must follow any endorsement rules and regulations that are applicable both in the country where you are based and in the countries from which you are sending website traffic or advertising in.

Apply to the Affiliate Program and gift or sell this account to another individual or business outside of the applicable business. Any business changes may be subject to authorized review by Genie Rocket otherwise existing and future commissions and payouts for that account could be denied. Accounts are authorized for a single business entity.

Use link stuffing or any other method which may negatively impact the SEO of Genie Rocket.

Purchase or bid on branded/competitive key words.

Partake in or use any method, program, process, or procedure in order to acquire or otherwise divert organic customers or leads from Genie Rocket.


In no event shall Genie Rocket be liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, general, special, compensatory, consequential, and/or incidental, arising out of or relating to any Promotion or these Affiliate Terms. Nothing contained in these Affiliate Terms or in any written or oral communications from Genie Rocket or its employees or agents shall be construed to make any promise, covenant, warranty, or guaranty, all of which are explicitly disclaimed hereby, contrary to the statements and disclaimers contained in this paragraph.


In the event that any of the foregoing limitations are deemed to be unenforceable, to the greatest extent permitted by law, you agree that the entire aggregate liability of Genie Rocket and sole remedy available to you in any case in any way arising out of or relating to the Agreement, websites or the Service shall be limited to monetary damages that in the aggregate may not exceed $500.00


You hereby agree to fully indemnify and hold Genie Rocket, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and other partners and employees, harmless from any loss, liability, claim, or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to a breach of these Affiliate Terms or any activity by you, related to or arising from one or more Promotions.

In addition, you hereby agree to be bound to act in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, including without limitation, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (“CAN-SPAM”) and the Children's Online Privacy and Protection Act of 1998 (“COPPA”). You shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless us and any of our parent and related entities from and against any claims, actions, liabilities, losses, damages, costs or expenses, including without limitation, attorneys' fees and costs of litigation, even if such claims are groundless, fraudulent or false, incurred by us arising out of any content or activity by you or on your website or resulting from or in connection with your violation of any of the terms or prohibitions contained in this Agreement or any law, rule or regulation, including without limitation, claims for violations of third party intellectual property rights, and rights of privacy, including but not limited to CAN-SPAM and COPPA.

Modification of These Terms

We may modify any of the terms specified in this Agreement, at any time and in our sole discretion, by posting a change notice or a new agreement on our website, and may do so without providing notice to you. Modifications may include, for example, changes in the amounts or applicability of available Commissions, payment procedures, and other general affiliate program rules. IF ANY MODIFICATION IS UNACCEPTABLE TO YOU, YOUR ONLY RECOURSE IS TO TERMINATE THIS AGREEMENT. YOUR CONTINUED PARTICIPATION IN THE PROGRAM FOLLOWING OUR POSTING OF A CHANGE NOTICE OR NEW AGREEMENT ON OUR WEBSITE OR SENDING YOU THE CHANGE NOTICE WILL CONSTITUTE YOUR BINDING ACCEPTANCE OF THE CHANGE, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT YOU RECEIVED NOTICE OF THE SAME.

Choice of Law


If you have any questions about any specific terms, please contact

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